8 Dangers of Wearing Contact Lenses

Studies show that a majority of contact lens users don’t use proper hygiene, which puts them at high risk for eye infections, including inflammation of the cornea called keratitis. One type of keratitis, called microbial keratitis, can occur when bacteria, viruses and even amebae invade the cornea.
A Yahoo.com NEWS article states that each year there are 930,000 doctor’s office and outpatient clinic visits, as well as 58,000 emergency department visits, for keratitis or contact lens disorders. In severe cases, keratitis can lead to blindness or the need for a corneal transplant. Take a look at these 8 contact lens scenarios of what you could be doing wrong to put yourself at risk of eye infections:
1. You clean your lenses or case with water.
“A lot of people are not aware that you’re not able to wash contact lenses in water,” Vivian Phan, senior optometrist at UCLA’s Jules Stein Eye Institute, told Yahoo Health. In fact, water can cause soft contact lenses to change shape, swell and stick to the eye, according to the CDC. This can lead to the contact lens scratching the cornea, giving germs easy access to your eye where they can cause an infection. Contact lenses should also never be worn while swimming, showering or in a hot tub, and cases should never be washed in water. “You should clean out your case with fresh contact lens solution, wipe it out and let it dry completely, upside-down,” says Phan.
2. You top off the old solution in your lens case with new solution.
You may think there’s no harm in adding some new contact lens solution to the old solution in your lens case, but you’d be wrong. “This causes the disinfectant to lose its effectiveness,” Elmer Tu, M.D., spokesperson for theAmerican Academy for Ophthalmology and professor of clinical ophthalmology at University of Illinois at Chicago, told Yahoo Health. “Change the solution every day,” he says.
3. You don’t clean out your lens case after each use.
Every single time you use your contact lens case, you need to rinse it out with fresh solution and let it dry, notes Phan. Is it a hassle? Sure. But “otherwise, a little layer will build up on bottom called biofilm,” explains Phan — and that could put your eyes at risk for infection.
4. You’ve had the same contact lens case for a year.
In most cases, being frugal and loyal is a good thing — but not when it comes to your contact lens case. You should replace your case every three months, according to Phan. “The No. 1 cause of infection is having a dirty case,” she says. In fact, research shows that not replacing your case in six months increases your risk of moderate to severe microbial keratitis by more than fivefold.
5. You don’t wash your hands before touching your lenses.
It seems obvious that there might be infection-causing bacteria lingering on your hands, yet many people don’t wash up with soap and water before reaching in their eyes to touch their lenses. When you touch contact lenses with unwashed hands — say, your lens is bothering you so you remove it and place it back in — “it leaves a residue on the surface on the lens, and then you’re placing bacteria back in the eye,” says Tu.
6. You let your contact lenses sit in the same solution for days.
If you wear glasses during the week and pop in your contacts only on the weekend to play sports, for example, you may leave your contacts in the same stagnant solution all week without giving it much thought. But that’s a big no-no. “Solution should be replaced every single day of the week,” says Phan. Rather than having to change the solution every day when you don’t use contacts daily, Phan recommends opting for one-day disposable lenses you can use as needed without having to store or clean them.
7. You sleep with your contact lenses in.
Unless your eye doctor has given you the green light to keep them in at night, take out your contacts before bed. Research shows leaving them in overnight, even just occasionally, ups the chances of keratitis.
8. You use a natural cleaning solution.
“This is one time where it’s better not to go natural,” notes Phan. “Don’t use anything that’s not FDA-approved for contact lenses.” If you have eye allergies or sensitivities, Phan recommends using one-day disposable contacts or peroxide-based solutions, which have fewer preservatives.
Important Safety Information
The EVO Visian ICL Lens is intended for the correction of moderate to high nearsightedness. EVO Visian ICL and EVO Visian TICL surgery is intended to safely and effectively correct nearsightedness between -3.0 D to -15.0 D, the reduction in nearsightedness up to -20.0 D and treatment of astigmatism from 1.0 D to 4.0 D. If you have nearsightedness within these ranges, EVO Visian ICL surgery may improve your distance vision without eyeglasses or contact lenses. Because the EVO Visian ICL corrects for distance vision, it does not eliminate the need for reading glasses, you may require them at some point, even if you have never worn them before.
Implantation of the EVO Visian ICL is a surgical procedure, and as such, carries potentially serious risks. Please discuss the risks with your eye care professional. Complications, although rare, may include need for additional surgical procedures, inflammation, loss of cells from the back surface of the cornea, increase in eye pressure, and cataracts.
You should NOT have EVO Visian ICL surgery if:
- Your doctor determines that the shape of your eye is not an appropriate fit for the EVO Visian ICL
- You are pregnant or nursing
- You have moderate to severe damage to the optic nerve caused by increased pressure (glaucoma)
- You do not meet the minimum endothelial cell density for your age at the time of implantation as determined by your eye doctor
- Your vision is not stable as determined by your eye doctor
Before considering EVO Visian ICL surgery you should have a complete eye examination and talk with your eye care professional about EVO Visian ICL surgery, especially the potential benefits, risks, and complications. You should discuss the time needed for healing after surgery. For additional information with potential benefits, risks and complications please visit DiscoverICL.com.
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1. Packer M. The Implantable Collamer Lens with a central port: review of the literature. Clin Ophthalmol. 2018;12:2427-2438.
2. Martínez-Plaza E, López-Miguel A, López-de la Rosa A, et al. Effect of the EVO+ Visian Phakic Implantable Collamer Lens on Visual Performance and Quality of Vision and Life, Am J Ophthalmol 2021;226:117-125.
3. Packer M. Evaluation of the EVO/EVO+ Sphere and Toric Visian ICL: Six month results from the United States Food and Drug Administration clinical trial. Clinical Ophthalmology. 2022;16:1541-53.
4. Parkhurst GD. A prospective comparison of phakic collamer lenses and wavefront-optimized laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis for correction of myopia. Clin Ophthalmol. 2016;10:1209-1215.
5. Ganesh S, Brar S, Pawar A. Matched population comparison of visual outcomes and patient satisfaction between 3 modalities for the correction of low to moderate myopic astigmatism. Clin Ophthalmol. 2017;11:1253-1263.
6. Naves J.S, Carracedo G, Cacho-Babillo I, Diadenosine nucleotid measurements as dry-eye score in patients after LASIK and ICL surgery. Presented at American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) 2012.
7. Shoja, MR. Besharati, MR. Dry eye after LASIK for myopia: Incidence and risk factors. European Journal of Ophthalmology. 2007; 17(1): pp. 1-6.
8. Lee, Jae Bum et al. Comparison of tear secretion and tear film instability after photorefractive keratectomy and laser in situ keratomileusis. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery , Volume 26 , Issue 9 , 1326 - 1331.
9. Parkhurst, G. Psolka, M. Kezirian, G. Phakic intraocular lens implantantion in United States military warfighters: A retrospective analysis of early clinical outcomes of the Visian ICL. J Refract Surg. 2011;27(7):473-481.
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